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10 Bocoran Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri : Cari Tahu Disini!

10 Bocoran Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri : Cari Tahu Disini!


10 Bocoran Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri : Cari Tahu Disini!


10 Bocoran Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri : Cari Tahu Disini! – Hayoo…coba tunjuk tangan siapa disini yang lagi mempersiapkan diri untuk seleksi masuk kepolisian jalur Bintara Polri

Seperti yang telah kita ketahui bahwa semua jalur masuk kepolisian di prediksi akan di buka kembali pada bulan Januari 2025, namun untuk tanggal pelaksanaannya masih belum di ketahui hingga saat ini. Oleh karena itu, ada baiknya jika kalian selalu memantau portal resmi penerimaan polri untuk mengetahui perkembangan pendaftaran masuk kepolisian.

Untuk lulus masuk lembaga pendidikan Bintara Polri, para calon siswa (casis) harus melewati berbagai macam rangkaian seleksi, mulai dari seleksi administrasi, pemeriksaan kesehatan, tes psikologi, tes akademik, dan tes kesamaptaan jasmani.

Dari sekian banyak rangkaian seleksi, kebanyakan casis yang tidak lolos adalah dalam seleksi akademik. Karena, dalam seleksi ini ada beberapa macam sub tes yang akan di ujikan, mulai dari pengetahuan umum, wawasan kebangsaan, matematika, dan bahasa Inggris.

Sebelumnya kita telah membahas tentang contoh soal pengetahuan umum, wawasan kebangsaan, dan matematika kepolisian. Dalam artikel ini kita akan membahas contoh soal bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri. Namun, contoh soal bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri ini, juga bisa dijadikan latihan untuk Anda yang akan mengikuti seleksi di jalur kepolisian lainnya (Akpol dan Tamtama Polri), CPNS, atau seleksi beasiswa.

Yuk langsung aja kita masuk kepembahasan contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri!


10 Bocoran Latihan Soal Bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri : Cari Tahu Disini! 

Read the following passage to answer question number 1-3!

Bloodhounds are biologically adapted to trailing their prey. The process by which the nose recognizes an odor is not fully understood, but there are apparently specific receptor sites for specific odors. In one explanation, recognition occurs when a scent molecule fits into its corresponding receptor site, like a key into a lock, causing a mechanical or chemical change in the call. Bloodhounds apparently have denser concentrations of receptor sites tuned to human scents.

When a bloodhound trails a human being, what does it actually smell? The human body, which consists of about 60 trillion living cells, sheds exposed skin at a rate of 50 million cells a day. So even a trail that has been dispersed by breezes may still seem rich to a bloodhound. The body also produces about 31 to 50 ounces of sweat a day. Neither this fluid nor the shed skin cells have much odor by themselves, but the bacteria working on both substances is another matter.

One microbiologist estimates the resident bacteria population of a clean square centimeter of skin on the human shoulder at ‘’multiples of a million’’. As they go about their daily business breaking down lipids, or fatty substances, on the skin, these bacteria release volatile substances that usually strike the bloodhounds’s nose as an entire constellation of distinctive scents.


1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

a. Why people choose bloodhounds for household pets

b. How a bloodhound’s sense of smell work

c. How humans compensate for an underdeveloped sense of smell

d. The way in which bacteria work on skin cells and body sweat


2. The author compares a scent molecule with a….

a. Key

b. Lock

c. Cell

d. Bloodhound


3. According to the passage, how many cells of skin does the human body rid itself of every day?

a. 60 trillion

b. 50 million

c. 1 million

d. Between 31 and 50


4. Mary Garden, …. teh early 1900’s, was considered one of the best singing actresses of her time.

a. a soprano was popular

b. in a popular soprano

c. was a popular soprano

d. a popular soprano in


5. In the realm of psychological theory, Margaret F. Wasburn was a dualist …. that motor pheneomena have an essential role in psychology.

a. who she believed

b. who believed

c. believed

d. who did she believe


6. …. native to Europe, the daisy has now spread throughout most of Nort America.

a. Althougt

b. If it were

c. In spite of

d. That it is


7. …. to the reproductive rates of other small mammals, that of the bat is very low indeed.

a. Compared

b. It is compared

c. To be comparing

d. Have compared


8. World trade patterns are indicative of the important economic issues …. confront the world today.

a. what

b. that

c. who

d. they


9. The work of painters in the United States during the early twentieth century is noted for …. as well as telling stories.

a. it is representing of images

b. which images representing

c. the images representing

d. representing images


10. A few animals sometimes fool their enemies …. to be dead.

a. appear

b. to appear

c. by appearing

d. to be appearing


Nah, itu dia contoh soal bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri yang dapat Anda jadikan sebagai panduan belajar Anda di rumah. Anda bisa mencoba untuk lebih konsisten dalam belajar bahasa Inggris dan memahami arti dari kosakatanya, hal ini tentunya akan lebih membantu Anda dalam mengerjakan soal bahasa Inggris Bintara Polri yang serupa.


Semangat, Semoga Sukses!


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